Velleja Research | Developed ingredients
Research and Development in Biopharmaceuticals
Velleja Research » Developed ingredients
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Developed ingredients

The degree of innovation of a preparation, whether pharmaceutical, nutraceutical or cosmetic, is closely linked to the degree of innovation of its active ingredients. In almost all cases the latter are molecules, or a mix of molecules, that are already well known and documented in scientific literature. In some cases, however, within the framework of existing rules (for example, those on the 'Novel Food' status), it is possible to develop innovative active ingredients. The degree of difficulty in their obtainment is obviously rather high, but dedication to research and perseverance ? the latter being inseparable from rationality and scientificity ? sometimes enable investigators to develop active ingredients, especially in the sector of phytotherapeutic products, that may be considered 'new' and the subject of dedicated development.